Foot Surgery Consultation

What to Expect – Surgical Consultation


What is a surgical consultation?

You may have been referred to our office for a surgical consultation, or you may simply have decided on your own that there is something you wish to be corrected with your feet. In any case, you are now scheduled for a surgical consultation and wish to know what it entails. This page is dedicated to help inform you of what is to be expected. Once you have arrived to the office and complete the registration process, you will meet our surgeon. The surgeon will discuss with you your concerns and discuss treatment options. If you are approved for a surgical procedure you will then meet with a surgical coordinator who will discuss scheduling your surgery and explain to you the next steps. If you have any questions at any time pre or postoperatively, she will be available to assist you.

Prior to scheduling your surgical consultation, there are few important things to consider, such as:

  • When you would like to have your surgery performed?
    • Most procedures will keep you off your feet for a certain length of time, this is a one of the very important questions you may wish to discuss when you meet with the surgeon. If you are employed, you may wish to speak to your HR department in advance to discuss work accommodations. Lack of planning ahead, is the number one delay in elective* surgical scheduling. It is best to schedule your consultation within 30 days of the day you wish to have your surgery, your paperwork expires after 30 days. Please note, surgeries are performed on Tuesdays. (*Elective surgeries include bunions,hammertoes,etc)
  • Out of pocket expenses
    • We advise you to contact your insurance company prior to your appointment, some questions you may wish to ask include the following:
      • Do you have a copay?
      • Do you have a deductible and/or a co-insurance?
      • If you have a deductible, how much of the deductible have you met? How much are you expected to pay out of pocket?
    • When completing your surgical consultation intake forms, there is a questionnaire to complete regarding this information.
    • Following your surgery you will receive three explanation of benefits from your insurance company:
      • Surgeon
      • Hospital
      • Anesthesia
    • Our office will contact your insurance company to discuss coverage and benefits. You may be required to leave a deposit prior to your surgery.
  • Transportation/Caregivers
    • Transportation must be arranged in advance. You must have a relative, friend, or caregiver accompany you when you are being discharged from the hospital. You will be unable to drive yourself. Taxis and “Uber” type services are not allowed. The hospital will not discharge you alone.
    • If you live alone, make sure you have someone to stay with you overnight immediately following your procedure.
    • If you are a relative, friend or caregiver reading this information for a patient who does not speak English, please accompany he/she to the consultation appointment.
  • Preparing Your Home
    • If you are planning to have any type of foot/ankle surgery, please keep in mind you will want to clear your home of any obstacles that can interfere with your healing process postoperatively. For your safety, make sure throw rugs, foot stools, electric cords, and other items are kept out of the way. Also, if you have animals, you may want to make boarding arrangements to prevent unexpected injury to your foot.

Here are some common questions that you may want to ask the surgeon before scheduling your surgery:

  • What kind of anesthesia will I have?
  • How much pain will I have?
  • Will my surgery require a hospital stay?
  • How long will I need to take off from work?
  • When can I drive again?
  • What symptoms might I experience?

What to Bring

  • Your current insurance card. Please bring the physical card with you, it will need to be scanned in a card reader. More information regarding insurance and billing can be found here.
    • Co-payments are due at time of service. We accept cash, checks, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Checks can be made payable to “Yale Podiatry Group”.
  • A photo ID.
  • A list of current medications is recommended, especially if you suffer from several medical conditions. Do not omit vitamins and over- the- counter medications.
  • If you have had either of the following tests performed, please bring copies with you.
    • Lab work (within 30 days)
    • EKG (within 3 months)

Please aim to arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointment time to allow time to find the office and register.